Page name: Улицы Москвы rp zone [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-06-06 12:07:42
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Cerulean Sins
# of watchers: 5
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The Russian Watches
Улицы Москвы aka Streets of Moscow

<img400*0:stuff/Kotelincheskaya_Naberezhnaja_Moscow_hires.jpg>The Night Watch HQ

<img:stuff/moos-martin-people-outside-st-basil-s-cathedral-moscow-russia.jpg> St Basil's Cathedral

<img:stuff/moscow_kremlin.jpg>The Day Watch HQ

<img400*0:stuff/Moscow-Metro-Train.jpg>Moscow Metro Station

<img400*0:stuff/Red_Square%2c_Moscow%2c_Russia.jpg>Moscow Red Square

<img:stuff/moscow_hotel_001p.jpg>Inquisition HQ

The Other World info <--- Information on Other

The Russian Night Watch Characters<---- Good guys

The Russian Day Watch Characters <---- Bad guys

The Russian Inquisition Characters<---- Neutral Guys

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2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a little and leaned back, waiting for him to go on with the meeting.

Zasha climbed on some tables, to stacked chairs, to the tile ceiling. SHe moved on of the tiles and wrinkled her nose.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE growled nad lifted her up pushing her against the wall. "ARE you not the one I bedded on your 20th birthday? when I could of had her when she was drunk as fuck? Think about this Alisa!." he'd snap at her, trying to shake some sense into her, giving up and just kissing her...takingh er right there in the middle of the hall.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I destory men until they end up in a loony bin."Galina said."So no I don't want a boyfriend."

Arina rode the lift back up to her office, she had so much work to do but she might take it home with her. She got out of the lift and saw Alisa and Zabulon in the hallway, she just walked right past them, not looking at them or anything.

Boris sighed softly"Right if we're all here? We can get on. The reason I've called you all here today is because there is a rogue vampire set loose on the streets of Moscow. I want that vampire brought in so we can charge the Day Watch with a sixth dagree neglect. The vampire has killed five humans and a level 7 Light Mage in the past week. We are unsure if the vampire is male or female but Yulia you have the profile on this bastard."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa blinked but gave into him she was surprised he had ignored the word we she had said.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed and nodded. "I understand." he'd nod. "Wanna go to the pub then? check things out?"

[XD she's walking by them while he's fuckin the shit out of her D:]

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [no they're playin monopoly xD gah get it right xD]

Alisa afterwards smiled at him "didnt you hear me say we?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Arina walked into her office with a small sigh. She sat down on her desk and started to do some paper work that Zabulon had to do but she did it for him because it would take years for him to get around to it. She shook her head a little. All that man cares about is power and pussy. And that will get him killed one of these days. She thought.

"Cheak what things out?"Galina asked.

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear frowned a little, he was hoping they could catch the bastard before the stupid Day Watch caught on.. They'd been able to do that more lately, and it was beginning to annoy him.

Zashe bit her lip a little when she herd the sirens. She closed the tile and crawled carefully, trying to ignore all the spider webs she went through. She finally found the door leading to the roof and tried to push it open.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "A night on the town? Have a few pints?"

"W...what do you man, we?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat frowned."Stupid vamps."He muttered.

"I am glad that you all understand the importance of that information but we will talk about it more at the end of the meeting. I have far more important things. The girls down in analytical have found illegal misuse of magic being used at the hosptial. We think this person could be a level 2 or 1 scorceress or mage. I need a small time to check it out before Zabulon sents his pawns in. Am I understood?"Boris said and he put out his cig.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Why?"Galina asked.

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa "zabulon are you listening to me?"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded a little,"You want one of us to stand outside the hospital? Make sure none of the idiots get in until you can check it out?"

Zasha whimpered, praying and hoping it would open as she keptpushing against it.

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah I do but I want Ingat to go."Boris said."I want you and Yulia to go after this vampire."

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "To...have fun?" he'd ask.

"Yes, and I asked, who's we?"

2011-06-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Bear nodded and looked at Yulia, "I suppose there's no convincing you not to walk down the stairs, is there..?"

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa smiled "do you like angel or willow for a girl's name?" she hinted to him.

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Trying to change your name? Let's go with Willow."

2011-06-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alisa shook her head "no well Angela not Angel" she smiled "not for me the other part of we"

2011-06-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He blinked and thought for a moment then looked down, then up at her. " long?"

2011-06-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I don't do fun."Galina said.

"No on your life, Teddy bear."Yulia grinned at him.

Arina sighed, she picked up her all paper work and shoved it into her work bag. She pulled on her fur jacket and picked up her handbag and her work bag and she left her office. She walked down the hallway and she pressed the button for the lift, waiting for it. She just ignored them.

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